Mike Johnson

Hometown: Fayetteville, NC
Undergrad: Norwich University
Pre-MBA life: U.S. Army
Post-MBA plans: Consulting (I love money and hate committing to a career)

Why should you join my trek?
I have both of the above mentioned Irish flag tattoos. I could list out all the fun activities we have planned, but it simply comes down to this. Do you like learning about the rich history of different cultures, admiring magnificent ancient architecture, and soaking in some of the most scenic views on earth? And more importantly, do you like drinking Guinness and good Irish whiskey while doing all those things? If the answer is yes, then you know what trek to join. Sure, you could go to Banff and see natural beauty, or Brazil and party like crazy, and I’m sure Sicily will inundate you with the rich heritage of the Sicilian people. But if you want it all, you know where you’ll get it. Ireland.