Trip Region: MYSTERY
Country(ies): MYSTERY
Partners Trek? No
Cost: $3235
Airfare Estimate: $0
Structure: 3 •
Lodging: 3 •
Nightlife: 3 •
Activity: 2
It is a well known fact that everything is better when you enter through the rear: it’s the sign of a great party, it’s how VIPs get into concerts, it even provides access to that awesome rear-facing seat in 80’s station wagons that allows for easy taunting of other drivers. Don’t worry, we know that walking down that dark alley to get to the back can be a bit nerve-racking, but the All-Star leaders guiding the trip will ensure the experience of a lifetime (in a good way). You can expect to see and experience some of Earth’s finest yet underexplored corners. Most importantly, you’ll end up returning with some new kick-ass best friends and stories that you can even use in interviews (just ask David, it’s how he got his internship). Just make sure to bring an open mind, plenty of socks, and mobile bottoms, because you never know what awaits you until you explore the back door of life.
Note: Due to the mysterious nature of this trek, we have to purchase your plane tickets for you, so the trek price includes airfare and most meals.
Day 1 — Friday, Aug 18
Pre-trek barbeque, a Mystery tradition, to put a face to the people who’ve been spamming you on GroupMe all summer. Since we’ll be stuck with one another on a bus, train, plane, boat, car, helicopter or all of the above for an undisclosed amount of time starting the following morning, it may be a good idea to get to know us (but no, you still won’t get to know where we’re going). Bring your ridiculous guesses about our travels and we’ll provide you some final instructions before the follow morning’s departure.
Day 2 — Saturday, Aug 19
All aboard the hot mess express. Be prepared to journey between 1 and 40 hours to our first location. We’ll tell you when and where to meet us and what to pack so stop freaking out about that - the next 2 years will give you plenty of opportunities to exercise your type A personality. Relax and place your trust in the MBA2s you just met last night (even though we’re probably hungover, we promise we’re somewhat competent, after all Sara is a recovering consultant/travel #pro) to get you there in one piece.
Day 3 — Sunday, Aug 20
Since everyone likely made it to where we intended to go, we’ll settle into our new digs with some local nosh and libations. Make sure to rest up for a full day of back door hunting tomorrow!
Day 4 — Monday, Aug 21
Today we’ll get the lay of the land and take a walk down electric avenue. In the evening, we’ll get a taste of the local spirit and hopefully sample what this location is best known for - a playlist that rivals David’s Spotify skills. The local establishments outshine Ann Arbor’s offerings so practice those dance moves now before using them at Skeeps and Necto to lure in the undergrads.
Day 5 — Tuesday, Aug 22
We will surely stand out to the locals as we dive in and take time to get out and explore the unknown. We’ll head even deeper into this undisclosed location and get off the beaten path. Travel back in time (Whitney has been lobbying for this as an avid time traveler/Doctor Who fan) or explore the newest establishments - it’s your choice. Now that you have the lay of the land this will be the time to creatively explore the back doors all around you.
Day 6 — Wednesday, Aug 23
We’ll be on the move again, and once we reach our next destination we’ll be living like kings! There will be plenty of time to continue bonding with one another. We leaders will continue to laugh at your feeble attempts to figure out where we’re going as we lead you into a whole new world.
Day 7 — Thursday, Aug 24
After canvassing our surroundings, you’ll have a bit of time to yourselves before we gather to enjoy one another’s company and hit the town. We’ll take some cues from the locals to find hidden establishments in pursuit of this destination’s VIP experience while Fabian tries to figure out if we are anywhere near a Disney resort (we haven’t told him where we’re going…).
Day 8 — Friday, Aug 25
We promised you something big (did we…?). Regardless, we’ll be exploring something huge that’s sure to amaze. In the evening, be prepared for a tried and true classic Mystery Experience (which basically means it could be anything…)
Day 9 — Saturday, Aug 26
We will depart on our final quest, but we’ll make a pit stop to enjoy the nectar of the gods to embolden us during the final stretch of our journey. Make sure your bikini body is ready to shine before the MBA 15 comes to haunt you.
Day 10 — Sunday, Aug 27
In the morning, we’ll explore some ancient sites that will make us look so young and wrinkle-free in comparison. Now that we’ve known each other for over a week (an eternity in MBA time) we think it’s the perfect time to get down and dirty.
Day 11 — Monday, Aug 28
As the final full day of the trek, we’ve decided to take relaxing to the extreme while spending some quality time with one another before heading out for one final night of good ole-fashioned Mystery fun!
Day 12 — Tuesday, Aug 29
Now that we’ve all thoroughly explored the back door, it is time to make our way back home so we can prep for what really matters: BUS Tailgates and Thursday nights at Skeeps. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to reunite often to reminisce and explore the best dives that Ann Arbor has to offer.