Akbar Arsiwala

Hometown: Detroit, MI (but I’ve lived all over)
Undergrad: United States Naval Academy
Pre-MBA life: Military / Nonprofit
Post-MBA plans: Marketing? Tech? Trophy Husband?
Why should you join my trek?
There isn’t another trek where you’ll get to meet 5 of the most incredible MBAs in the game. We all come from different backgrounds and can’t wait to meet you. PLUS, you get to kick off your MBA experience with a total mystery – I promise you’ll be wishing for more surprises once recruiting starts 🙂
A little about me: My name’s Akbar (also known as Dancebar, Sportsbar, Chefbar, Sadbar, etc.). I’ve lived all over and will never stop searching for the perfect burrito. Be warned: I’m horrible at small talk and always down for a little adventure. Catch me as one of the Co-Presidents of the Bus this fall; Go Blue!