Pavel Dounaevski

Hometown: State College, PA
Undergrad: UNC – Chapel Hill
Pre-MBA life: US Army
Post-MBA plans: Endless PowerPoint presentations (consulting)

Why should you join this Trek:

Are you captivated by mountain vistas? Do you enjoy a healthy dose of Aprés ski? Do you see a bit of Tom Wambsgams from “Succession” in yourself when you look in the mirror? If so, this trip might be for you. Take a stroll down Zurich’s bar scene while window shopping for the Swiss watch you can only afford post-MBA. Strike the perfect balance between Glacier hiking and Swiss Chocolate making. Whether you find yourself on the German or French side of Switzerland, you won’t regret forging lasting friendships over copious amounts of pints.

A little about me: I came to this country impersonating Mcaulay Culkin in the late 1990’s from Europe. As you can see, I failed. Instead, I spent the last decade traveling the world to some of the most sought after vacation destinations (read: the desert). If you’re a partner wondering about the travel and community opportunities, my wife and I would love to share our experiences