Georgia Armani

Trip Region: Eastern Europe
Country(ies): Armenia & Georgia
Partners Trek? No
Cost: $1485
Airfare Estimate: $1500
Structure: 3   •   Lodging: 2   •   Nightlife: 3   •   Activity: 2

Armenia and Georgia are kind of like Ross. They are in the middle of nowhere, the people are amazing, and you will never run out of alcohol. Whether you like historic heritage sites, hiking in the mountains, exploring new cities, trying new food, or drinking like everyday is the Ross Bus on game days, this trip has something for you! The trip starts in Armenia and highlights will include: exploring the city of Yerevan, learning how to cook Armenian food, and hiking in the mountains. Then we head to Georgia where we’ll make Georgian wine and moonshine, go white-water rafting, and see some of the oldest villages in Europe. Your MTrek leaders include two section presidents, two engineers, and a former Marine. After 10 days of travelling through Armenia and Georgia, we will also be your five new best friends.