Trip Region: Central America
Country(ies): Costa Rica
Partners Trek? No
Cost: $1815
Airfare Estimate: $450
Structure: •
Lodging: •
Nightlife: 4 •
Activity: 4
Hey MBA1s! Are you excited to cruise on one of the most unique experiences at Ross – MTrek! Come join us on a trip to Costa Rica for adrenaline packed activities in La Fortuna and beach parties at a Pacific coast town. You can expect to zip line through the dense forests, hike to a volcano and party at the beach all day in one of the most biodiversity-rich countries in the world. You don’t want to miss out on this experience of a lifetime where you will build friendships with your fellow MBAs. We hope you all will join us on this adventure!
Day-by-day details can be found at the following link:
Day 1 — Saturday, Aug 20
Day-by-day details can be found at the following link:
Pratyaksh Pathak

Hometown: Bhopal, India
Undergrad: IIT – Kharagpur, India
Pre-MBA life:Automotive Industry (Purchasing, R&D & Product Management)
Post-MBA plans: Consulting, Tech
Why should you join my trek?It’s COSTA RICA..!! Do you even need a “reason” to travel there.!?
Himanshu Dixit

Hometown: Gwalior, India
Undergrad: National Institute of Technology, Agartala
Pre-MBA life:Nuclear Engineer
Post-MBA plans: Consulting
Manvendra Singh

Hometown: Delhi NCR, India
Undergrad: Delhi Technological University
Pre-MBA life: Software Engineer
Post-MBA plans: Product Management
Hardik Mehta

Hometown: Mumbai, India
Undergrad: IIT Bombay
Pre-MBA life: Product Management, Consulting
Post-MBA plans: Product Management, Health-Tech