Trip Region: Central America
Country(ies): Panama, Guatemala
Partners Trek? No
Cost: $2355
Airfare Estimate: $850
Structure: •
Lodging: •
Nightlife: 7 •
Activity: 7
Influencers. Big Name Musical Guests. Insta-fame. Models. CHEESE-SANDWICHES. None of these will be on Fyre Fest 2.0….
Come join a group of adventurers as we galavant through Panama and Guatemala–eating, drinking, dancing, and seeking out Nat Geo style cool shit. From dancing through the streets of Antigua, to climbing volcanoes, to sailing away to remote island getaways, this trip will have something for everyone. While we promise you an amazing trip with some first class relaxation; come prepared for some “rustic” sleeping conditions (no room service on remote islands), a couple challenging hikes, and many dumb jokes. Go ahead and google San Blas Islands if you need more convincing…
Day 1 — Saturday, Aug 17
Welcome to Panama City! Meet your guide at the airport and travel to the hotel to settle in and clean up for the first night out (cheers to no jet lag!)! We will first explore the local cuisine over dinner, do a little (read: a lot) of first day bonding, and then hit the town for a night of fun (Seco, better known as Rum, anyone?)! Beware: Panamanians know how to party.
Day 2 — Sunday, Aug 18
Time to check out Panama City’s v Instagrammable Old City (“Casco Viejo”)! Today we will have a relaxed day exploring the beautiful Panama City, learning about the town’s rich history and culture. To appease the Erbers on the trip we are also making a stop by the biodiversity museum (swear it will be cool!). Once we learn about beautiful things and extinctions, we will head to dinner for some more team bonding and a few drinks to get us through the Anthropocene.
Day 3 — Monday, Aug 19
Are we best friends yet!?!? Today is an EARLY MORNING—but don’t worry, it will be TOTALLY worth it. Roll out of bed and throw on your swimsuit because we are heading to the sea. After a ride through the crystal blue water, we will land at the San Blas Islands (google it, google it, google it…your welcome). These islands are a pristine paradise self-governed by the Kuna Yala tribe. Remember what we read about biodiversity yesterday? Well it turns out to preserve these precious spaces means not much development. Be prepared for the most incredible escape, delicious lobster fresh from the ocean, Balboa beer, and some rustic beach hut accommodations.
Day 4 — Tuesday, Aug 20
Pack your waterproof Go-Pro and some sunblock because it’s time to make some more Instagram memories. Today we are exploring a few other islands, hanging on a boat, and snorkeling through paradise. There will be food, there will be a few bottles of rosé, there will be good times. At night we will return to our humble abodes on the beach to dance in the sand and howl to the moon (probably only Eric and Joe on that last one but more are welcome to join that wolfpack).
Day 5 — Wednesday, Aug 21
Time to say goodbye to the islands. Wake up for a boat ride and transport back to Panama City. If you’re exhausted from the sun, need some stable wifi service, or down to do more exploring—this day is yours. We will relax, recoup, maybe rage?!? (for those inclined), and get ready for the next big adventure.
Day 6 — Thursday, Aug 22
TRAVEL DAY! Time to jet set to a new destination. We are headed to Antigua, Guatemala. Once there we can explore the city before eating what is sure to be another dope meal together. We have an early morning of adventure, so be sure to hydrate!
Day 7 — Friday, Aug 23
GOOD MORNING EXPLORERS! We are headed to the volcano. Yes, you read that right, we have an early morning to go hike Volcan Pacaya. It won’t be overly strenuous, but you should be able to do some decent cardio in the heat. After the hike, we will explore the historic and insanely colorful city of Antigua and relax over a some cervezasssss.
Day 8 — Saturday, Aug 24
Wow, has it already been one week?!? Time flies when you’re ignoring real world responsibilities and having a blast with your 15 new best friends. Today we are traveling to Panajachel to explore this rad lakeside town. At night we will party it up big city style with small town amenities.
Day 9 — Sunday, Aug 25
So lost in fun that you forgot to get a present for your s.o. (or your mom if no s.o. exists cuz that’s what business school is for…)? Want something to remind you of this legendary trip? Today you get to visit the Chichicastenango Market, an old Maya market with colorful stores full of fresh foods and souvenirs. After exploring and shopping #capitalism #supportlocal, visit the House of Popul Vuh, the Mayan book of human origin. Once you feel sufficiently spiritual, it’s time to get back on a boat to explore the freshwater life of Atitlan Lake. Meet some locals, cruise around, and return home for our final dinner together. Share something tasty with the crew and embrace those end of summer-camp vibes. Tomorrow we return back to Ann Arbor.
Day 10 — Monday, Aug 26
Eat some breakfast and head to the airport. Bye bestiessss.