Trip Region: Europe
Country(ies): Portugal
Partners Trek? Yes
Cost: $1895
Airfare Estimate: $1300
Structure: •
Lodging: •
Nightlife: 5 •
Activity: 3
Not to be alamarist, but technically speaking, your entire life has been leading up to this decision about which Mtrek to go on. Fortunately, while all Mtreks were created equal, some (this one) were created more equal than others.
If you’re a fan of wine, beaches or like Taylor, can’t stop thinking about Cristiano Ronaldo’s six-pack, this is the trip for you! We’ll kick off the trip in the Portugese capital of Lisbon, where we’ve got a boat party, bar crawl, and some clubbing lined up for the evenings. During the daytimes we’ll explore the city center, hit the beach, and check out some big-ass castles in Sintra.
From there we’ll go to Porto in northern Portugal, a beautiful coastal city known for its port wines. In Porto, we’ll take a boat cruise of the nearby enchanted Douro Valley, a bucket list item for all wine lovers, or anyone who, like Zach and Stephen, love saying “I can really taste the volatile and earthy character of the 2018 harvest”. During our last day in Porto we’ll explore the city center and let Adam re-live his (junior) varsity soccer glory days through a tour of FC Porto’s stadium.
So…if you want to party with a group of super fun active degenerate MBA 2’s who (hypothetically) bribed their way into leading an Mtrek, join us on this once in a lifetime trip. If not, maybe see if Kellogg is still taking applications.
Day 1 — Saturday, Aug 19
Taylor Whittaker

Hometown: Milford, CT
Undergrad: Boston College
Pre-MBA life: Consulting
Post-MBA plans: Is “undecided” still an acceptable answer….?
Why should you join my trek?
There’s no better way to kick off financial accounting core than with beaches, boats, and some new ~besties~. This trek is for anyone who 1) wants to become a (port) wine connoisseur 2) wants to explore castles 3) wants to hear how many bad Portugal puns Zach can make in a week (e.g., “Porto will make you go woah”)- regardless, it has already been statistically proven to be a great time. Plus, pls don’t leave me alone with Adam, Zach, and Stephen 🙂
Zach Pierce

Hometown: Orange County, CA
Undergrad: UCLA
Pre-MBA Life: Banking / Commercial Real Estate
Post-MBA Life: Strategic Finance or VC or Start Up or Ski Bum
Why should you join my trek? This trip will be the perfect blend of art and science. Not only will you experience breathtaking views and visit beautiful, historic cities, but our leadership team will help you fully understand the chemical reaction a few beers has in the body when mixed with an electric crew. Taylor has even signed a personal guarantee that this will be the most fun trip you’ve ever been on.
Stephen Johnston

Hometown: Potomac, MD
Undergrad: Dartmouth College
Pre-MBA Life: Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
Post-MBA Life: Not Commercial Real Estate Brokerage (Consulting)
Why should you join my trek?
Only if you want to find:
Gothic Architecture
Adam Chernew

Hometown: Wellesley, MA
Undergrad: University of Pennsylvania
Pre-MBA Life: Healthcare Strategy
Post-MBA Life: Healthcare Strategy, but with an MBA
Why should you join my trek? This trip will be a great mixture of cultural activities, partying and finding the best spots to post the perfect thirst trap (luckily Taylor is somewhat of an expert here).
Also, between Zach’s girlfriend no longer considering him a red flag and Stephen finding out they sell Zyns in Portugal, we’ll have plenty of reasons to celebrate!