Trip Region: South America
Country(ies): Chile
Partners Trek? Yes
Cost: $1799
Airfare Estimate: $750
Structure: •
Lodging: •
Nightlife: 3 •
Activity: 4
Trek Description:
Business school is a wildly diverse and foreign experience for many and we hope to embrace that sentiment by going on the most adventurous and exotic MTrek out there (ok, we’re tied with the Galapagos). Welcome to Chile, the land of fire and ice!
First, we will explore the history, culture, and nightlife of Santiago as we all get to know each other before hopping on a quick flight to a drastically different environment.
Our trip takes us to the Atacama desert, the driest place on Earth. If the red wine and pisco sours don’t quench your thirst, then the stellar stargazing environment, high-altitude lagoons, and Andean geothermal geyser fields will. In Atacama, we will explore landscapes you cannot really find anywhere else on Earth and will learn just how much there is to marvel at in this intergalactic desert.
We will then head back to Santiago for a free day to recharge, reminisce, and rally before we head back to the northern hemisphere.
Day 1 — Saturday, Aug 19
Tony Nikolov

Hometown: Millington, New Jersey
Undergrad: Lehigh University
Pre-MBA life: Industrial Engineering (aka Imaginary Engineering)
Post-MBA plans: General Management (also Imaginary Engineering)
Why should you join my trek?
This will be a trek for superlatives. On our journey through Chile, prepare to experience some of the world’s best wine in Santiago as well as the clearest stargazing and most alien landscapes in the world’s most rainproof climate, the Atacama Desert (seriously, it hasn’t rained in some parts of here for 500 years).
My partner, Hannah, and I are thrilled to lead this trip as we explore some of the world’s hidden natural treasures in Atacama and soak in the liveliness of Santiago. This trip will definitely be adventure-first but it wouldn’t be a Ross Mtrek without plenty of room for partying, cultural exploration, and bonding. I went on an MTrek to Peru last year where I became a pro at drinking pisco sours – a talent I hope to teach you all this year.
So come join this amazing other-worldly expedition and see me get altitude sickness for the second year in a row.